and I've got my serious face on today because it didn't turn out to be the happy birthday day I was hoping started off great...with a card...lots of pressies...a great big sloppy Birthday kiss from my Mum and the promise of loads of treats throughout the day...well I had to kiss goodbye to them because within the hour...I was in the doghouse AGAIN...sent to the naughty step for the rest of the morning with a serious ticking off ringing in my ears...crikey all I did was... hurdle a couple of walls...nearly but not quite take a garden gate off it's rampage through 3 gardens demolishing one or two prized blooms...all because I can't resist playing chase with the local moggies and it was going so well until the cheeky puss took refuge under a garden shed. Oops...must have got a bit carried away in the heat of the moment...time for my best "sorry Mum" face which usually does the trick but it all kicked off when the very angry "can't you keep that animal under control" owner of said shed appeared and instead of staying to face the music or in this case...the shouting...swearing...I'm calling the police kind of thing...I hightailed it out of there leaving my old Mum to take the flack...bigga mistake-a to make-a perhaps because when she finally caught up with me...I was in no doubt whatsoever that a "lead on" serious low growly voice DEEP DOODAH lecture was about to follow...OOPS.
And a very special thank you to my lovely buddy Polly who e-mailed this gorgeous card...ironic or what...
how was Polly to know that her beautiful card was the perfect excuse for my old Mum to give me another "ear bashing". But today's a new day and this BAD BOY needs to rack up a whole load of brownie points to get back in the good books again so I'm off to get my head down and keep a very low profile. See you all soon.
Big Hugs & Snuggles