Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just one more...

Morning folks...this will probably be the last Hero Arts card for a while...well that is until I can sneak in another play day.

I was rather hoping that 2 days of bunking off from the Fiskars Deadline Marathon Thingy might just kick start Mr Mojo but no joy I'm afraid...he seems to be as down in the crafty dumps as the rest of us.  What is it about January that gives us all a dose of the doom and glooms...is it the post Christmas excitement blues or the dark dismal short on daylight days...crikey it's still dark at 8 o'clock and even The Furry Boy has taken to snuggling under the duvet for a lie-in...by the time we rouse ourselves...go for our morning stroll...half the morning has gone. No amount of big girl knicker pulling up seems to be doing the trick either...I am sorely in need of a miracle pick-me-up cure so perhaps it's time to break into the cubbyhole stash piggy and have a little January Blues Retail Crafty Therapy Blow-Out.
Catch up with you all tomorrow over at WOYWW and who knows what will be on my workdesk. 
Hugs Kath xxx


  1. Pretty card, Kath. Here's hoping that Mr. Mojo comes home with a little retail therapy!

  2. Gorgeous card, wonderful colours, take care of yourself!

  3. Gorgeous card, wonderful colours, take care of yourself!

  4. Love what you've done with the tulips on this one, Kath! Beautiful card! :)

  5. Absolutly stunning Kath.

    Happy new year

    mandi x

  6. I've always been a firm believer that Mojo blocks are a golden opportunity...for out of them can emerge new and exciting challenges! Hang in there, Kath...and trust the process!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!! Hugs, Janet xx

  7. morning, another beautiful card, good luck the with fiskars stuff today

  8. wauw kath i love this card whit the gorgeous flowers!!! i always love your pretty style!!!
    xx petra

  9. Just love the effect of those tulips Kath, beautiful card, A little bit of crafty shopping will do the trick, well almost can't say it will get the furry boy out of bed though ( lol)Hugs May x x

  10. Lovely card, just ordered that stamp myself! I have been blank since Christmas - not a single idea in my head - but yesterday I had a flash and it is looking better - so don't dispair - Mr. Mojo will be crawling back soon! Ha, ha...
    Lots of hugs,

  11. Hi Kath, sorry not been around. Had Maddison to stay over Friday and Saturday. Wasn't feeling red hot yesterday. Missed some lovely cards, loved the ones with clock faces. Like what you have done with the tulips. Hope Mr Mojo's back soon. Take care. Hugs x ChrisB

  12. Gorgeous card Kath, but then your HA cards are always brilliant. I think a dose of retail therapy is good for so many things, well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! Hugs Sxx

  13. Gorgeous card Kath, doesn't look like Mr Mojo has gone far if that's what you make while he's away. I think my Mr Mojo has gone to live elsewhere!!
    Jo x

  14. LOVING this card Kath. Might have to put those stamps on my wish list! xxx

  15. OK - let'c compare notes tomorrow - I've GOT to get down to the Alphatags swap I've signed up for but keep finding other things...... Buddy, you know what you need to do.....................take hold of one corner of the duvet & gallop out the door. NO?? I wouldn't like it either!
    All the best with Fiskars & I'll get Aaaaaing & Bbbbbbing!
    Love the colours of this & your layering with the flower stems & heads.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. Even though you seem to have January blues I like your card a lot so mojo enough for me Kath! Just hang in there.......spring is on its way!!!

    Love, Irene

  17. Beautiful card, love Hero Arts. Retail therapy should work - fingers crossed, have a good day. Regards, Anne Rx

  18. Hope you both find the pick-me-up you need. Great card Kath. Hugs to you both. Anesha

  19. Morning Kath.Lovely card.I think we could all do with a bit of retail therapy.
    Take care.
    Kathleen x

  20. Very pretty card kath, love the little petals stamped in pink. Looks like the picture problem has been sorted out finally! Hope My Mojo comes a-knocking on the door soon!


  21. Lovely card, as always. Might I suggest that--after your retail therapy--you scroll back through your own blog to see if Mr. Mojo comes strolling back into the cubbyhole. Your stuff always gets my Mojo going!

  22. Know what you mean about mr mojo,i reckon they are all on holiday together Lol.Your card is so Beautiful.Hugs xx Cuddles for Buddy xx

  23. Hi Kath
    a beautiful card, luv the colours, great design, sue,x

  24. This is a pretty card Kath. Like the colour combination.
    Hugs Sinikka

  25. Beautiful card Kath, I really love that image. I'm trying not to have any retail therapy but I'm getting tempted by the new Hero Arts stamps!

    Hope retail therapy works for you!

    Kat xx

  26. Awwwwww..hope you get out of your slump soon! You are doing wonderful! Oh, and by the way...you're not alone sweetie!
    Here's a ♥hug♥ for you and your buddy!

  27. ooh I really like this one I love the colours and those flowers are cracking. Laura

  28. Hi I love ehen you do these type of cards ! This is so so pretty ! I love it ! Inspired !! ;0)

  29. Oooh, what a wonderful, interesting card! Thank you. :)
