Hi everyone...it's your favourite gorgeous bundle of golden deliciousness popping on to say Hi...
but "gorgeous" is not the word my old Mum would have used to describe me after yesterday's lunchtime forest walk...
it started off as normal...me up front ambling along wagging my tail with my super duper sense of smell set to high alert as usual...
with my old Mum bringing up the rear and keeping an eye out for a lunchtime snack...
half an hour in...all is well...nothing out of the ordinary in this peaceful part of the world...
I did get a "good humoured" ticking off for standing in this muddy hollow but hey that's nothing new...it's the normal day to day "in one ear and out the other" stuff...little did I know it was all about to kick off big time when I caught a whiff of something interesting...something that some of us find irresistible...
a HUGE PILE OF DEER POO...and yes I couldn't resist having a good old roll in the "doggy world" equivalent of Chanel but crikey nothing prepared me for the "all hell let loose" rollicking that followed...

so can anyone tell me why I decided in a "don't know what came over me" moment of utter "in for a penny...in for a pound" madness...to return to the scene of the crime and do it again...
no way was the "sorry Mum" cute face going to cut the mustard this time...you just know you're in big big trouble...that you've definitely lit the fuse when you hear the schoolmistress voice..."GET IN THE CAR"
(that was a bit of a relief...I thought I might be left to walk home alone)...
a bit of a wind tunnel journey home with all the windows open...mind you it did help to drown out the unladylike language coming from the front and I knew what was coming...another rollocking from Dad...the indignity of being smothered in tomato sauce to get rid of the smell...then lathered in shampoo and nearly drowned by the garden hose.
OOPS...OOPS...OOPS...I've well and truly blotted my copybook this time...I'm right up at the top of the "in the bad books" list and how long I'll be stuck on the naughty step is anybody's guess. Have I learned my lesson...now that's the million dollar question isn't it...the problem is I've inherited that male selective hearing gene from my Dad and am blessed with the same atrocious memory as my old Mum...so I would have to come down on the side of...NOT A CHANCE.
Big Hugs and Snuggles from this naughty Furry Boy