Arrived in Harrogate on Saturday afternoon.....quick taxi to the hotel to dump luggage....and then off to the show...the Harrogate Show is not nearly so big as the SECC or the NECC.....but it has a charm all of its own....smaller...friendlier and not the pushy shovy crowds that you get at the bigger shows......I was so excited...I am meeting up with some of my bloggy buds at the coffee shop at 3.30pm......and wow were they just the best bunch of sweethearts......

Nicola...(Marcea's lovely Mum)....the one and only gorgeous Dawny P....the lovely Marcea
and the two beauties in the front Kirsten and there was someone else
in the pic....yes you've guessed it....the old bird herself...but I hate getting my pic taken
probably because I can't stop talking long enough and always end up with some weird expression on my with a bit of cropping....I ended up on the cutting room floor.
It was so wonderful to meet you are such lovely girls....and I received some gorgeous goodies too.....will share piccies later. Dawny and her lovely hubby Richard kindly gave me a lift back to my hotel and would you believe.....they were staying just around the corner so we arranged to meet up later that evening and go for dinner .......and apologies to Richard......poor man....he hardly got a word in...... he didn't stand a chance with Dawny and I in full flow.....I truly believe that Dawn and I were twins in a former life......gee we are so alike and she is just as lovely and funny as she is on her blog .... they treated me to a gorgeous feast.....refused to let me pay my naughty was that....definitely my treat next time guys......and after a nightcap at their hotel....insisted on walking the old gal safely home.....two absolutely lovely people and what a perfect end to a wonderful day....but there's more to come and it's back to the show on meet up with some very special ladies.....the lovely Ruth and Jozza Funky Hand Team mates and Jozza's lovely friend Nikky...and it was truly special meeting these lovely gals.....but unfortunately I forgot my camera no pics......much to Jozza's relief.....(just pray that Kirsty lost her camera on the way home Joz) but even worse....I forgot my mobile phone and my specs.......OK I can see distances without them but up close and personal.....I am as blind as a bat....which doesn't exactly help at a craft show when you are trying to oogle all the goodies......yes I did have a spend but I admit I didn't go over the top.......probably because I couldn't see half of the stuff.....I got some absolutely delicious stamps which I can't wait to play with and of course....some yummy goodies for the soon to be revealed
100,000 hits BLOG CANDY
And I can't forget the other lovely folks I met........Kirsty Wiseman......Dyan from Art From The Heart......the fabulous Bev.....Sue...Richard and the lovely gals from Craftwork Cards.......all beavering away at the special day.........but all too's time to say cheerio and head back to the hotel and I must confess after all the fun of meeting my lovely bloggy buds.... the thought of dinner on my own didn't popped into a nearby Tesco Express.....picked up some snackies and fruit.....and headed back to the hotel.....nice hot shower.....jammies on and into bed by 7pm to chill out and watch you can tell I am used to the high life....a real swinging chick me.
And before you know's Monday morning and time to go an earlier train from Harrogate to York and decided to have a little stroll's years since I 've been in York.....such a beautiful city.
and what a surprise when I checked my ticket as I waited to board the train......first class on the way home....well how did that happen.....why didn't I notice before....for goodness sake....I would have dolled up a bit and even put on some extra lippie......definitely the way to coffee....water and snacks all the way home and a sight that always brings a lump to my throat and tells me that I am definitely heading home.......the Forth Road Bridge....
Wonderful memories of a very special weekend spent with the nicest folks
which I will treasure forever.
Slept like a log last night with my bestest buddy resting his head on my feet......he was so glad to see me and I missed him so much......well off to unpack and then try to catch up with you all.....crikey....I leave you for 3 days and you go into a crafting frenzy........toodle oo...for now.
Hugs Kath xxxxxx