Hi folks...Monday morning and this old crafter is in Moaning Minnie mode...the trapped nerve nightmare that's been bugging me on and off for the last few weeks is back with a vengeance and the pins and needles feeling down my left arm is driving me mad. Funny how it completely disappeared on our ramble in the countryside on Saturday...well that is until we returned to the car and I had to turn my head to reverse out of the car park. I'm fine when I'm standing at my workdesk in the cubbyhole...crafting on a daily basis doesn't seem to be the problem...I suspect it's sitting at the computer tap tap tapping on the keyboard (RSI) that kicks it off. So what's the solution...a visit to the doc to be told the same old story of wear and tear and the prospect of popping painkillers for the rest of my days (no way)...give up blogging (not on your nelly)...cut down on blogging (possibly)...a visit to a chiropractor (looking likely) or according to the Friday Girls...it might be kinder to shoot me now.
So while I wait for the guys from the knackers yard to arrive...there's some crafting fun to be had with Eileen Hull's ever so cute Oven Die...

and a brand new Tag to get my teeth stuck into...
Until tomorrow
Hugs Kath xxx
I have the same issue Kath. I'm still not sure what starts the shoulder pain and numbness. I had RSI years ago and I have to be careful not to sit at a table/desk for too long and doing the same motions too can just flare it off. I was told by my local physio to let my arm hang down and allow the weight to stretch the arm outwards. Although it doesn't get rid of all of the pain and discomfort it does help to ease the pain somewhat, but I have found that my not crafting/typing quite so much does help it to eventually settle Karen xx
ReplyDeleteI have wear and tear of the spine (Spondylosis) which is made worse with doing active jobs which need a lot of bending and standing up for long periods. Like you Kath giving up blogging is not an option it just takes me longer and a visit every few months to the back doctor for a session or two.
ReplyDeleteI desperately need to get out in the garden with the lighter hours coming on but just know my back and right hip are going to flare up big time. Just one of lifes pleasures of getting old. Hugs Mrs A.
Good Morning Kath. Sorry to hear you are suffering pain. Maybe, just maybe you have been overdoing it recently. Hope it clears up soon and let you enjoy what you do best. Comforting Hugs Rita xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Kath my sympathy to you and everyone else. I know exactly where you are coming from and you are right the doctors just don't have the answer. Not sure it's an age thing I have struggled with my back since my Thirty's. Hope you discomfort and pain eases soon.x
ReplyDeleteHope it eases Kath...aches & pains can make you feel so miserable.
ReplyDeleteToni xx
So sorry to hear it is back Kath (I do think you should get it checked out though....). I think Karen's suggestion above is a good one and definitely worth a try. Hope it eases soon. Love what you are doing so far with the oven die! Healing hugs, Anne xx
ReplyDeleteMorning Kath. Oh I know where you are coming from. You have my sympathies. I hope that all will be well soon. Hug. Jan.xx
ReplyDeletel too understand where your coming from me too have RSI but giving up blogging ...........no way!! l hope it isn't going to linger too long for you and that it clears soon take care sending lots of hugs x
ReplyDeleteLove your blog, please don't stop!!! I've found that a deep tissue massage by a registered therapeutic massage therapist works wonders for me. Before I started the massage therapy there were days that I couldn't turn my head at all because it was so painful, now I'm pain free, it does flare up once in a while but it's manageable and I get to the therapist before it gets unbearable. Good luck!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Kath, sorry about the arm issue, continues pain is so depressing, crafting fair takes the mind off it for a while or you'd be climbing the walls many a day. Probably best to seek professional advise just in case you do more damage. The wee oven doe looks cute... Trish
ReplyDeleteHope the discomfort doesn't hang around for too long Kath.
ReplyDeleteOooooh no,not nice at all.Hope you will soon get rid of it.xx