Saturday, June 1, 2024

His and Her Portrait Cards

Hello my friends, I've been having some fun with backgrounds I made a while ago using the new Mini Layering Stencils from the recent Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous Everyday 1 release. I added some of my favourite products from the latest Idea-ology release and Paper Doll Portraits coloured with Distress Watercolor Pencils. Don't you just love how all Tim Holtz products from all the brands just go so well together.

I trimmed Distress Watercolor card to create 2 - 4" x 5.1/4" panels and applied Kitsch Flamingo/Wilted Violet Distress Oxide inks through the Deco Leaf and Spots Mini Layering Stencils and Peacock Feathers/Mustard Seed Distress Oxide inks through the Deco Floral and Spots Mini Layering Stencils from Sets 59 and 60  using Tiny Blending Tools. I inked the numbers stamp from Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous Curiosity Shop with Ground Espresso Distress Archival ink and stamped randomly on to the panels holding the stamp in my hand. I applied Distress Grit Paste through the same Mini Layering Stencils and once the paste had dried, I added torn strips of Idea-ology Archives and Serendipity Collage Papers and stamps from the Idea-ology Postmarked Sticker Book using Distress Collage Medium and a Collage Brush.
I coloured the Idea-ology Paper Doll Portraits with Distress Watercolor Pencils using a Distress Detailer Brush. 
I trimmed Idea-ology Small Stickers into sections and fixed to the panels popped up on black foam squares. 
To finish I inked around the edges of the panels with Scorched Timber Distress ink using a Tiny Blending Tool and fixed to A2 white card blanks.

Have a great weekend whatever you have planned and I'll see you all on Monday to share my DT project for Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.
Happy Crafting
Hugs Kath xxx

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