Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Ribbon Girl Colour Challenge...March

Hi folks...I hope you've all been enjoying the Spring's great to see the sun for a be able to hang the washing out on the line and ditch the Nanook Of The North Winter gear and before we know the garden will be becoming alive with Nature's 50 Shades of Green which links up nicely with this month's Colour Challenge over at The Ribbon Girl Challenge Blog which is...
crikey a colour I very rarely use so no prizes for guessing this was another "out of my comfort zone" project...
I removed the centres from these gorgeous Prima flowers and used green pearls instead...
and the little hexagons were cut from the Prima packaging...
As usual there are fabulous prizes up for grabs from

The Ribbon Girl

 and our lovely chums at LOTV...
and as always gorgeous inspiration from my fellow teamies and woohoo did you know that loads of fabulously gorgeous new products have arrived at The Ribbon Girl...check out this gorgeous vintage frayed pink rose hessian ribbon for instance...
so why don't you pop over for a nosie and welcome to the "I have no willpower" Club.
I have never been a fan of what they call "the beautiful game"...never been to a football match and have only watched the occasional World Cup Final on TV but I WILL BE glued to the box this afternoon and cheering on Aberdeen Football Club in the League Cup Final at Celtic Park...could it have anything to do with the fact that my Grandson Brodie has been chosen as one of the mascots who will run on to the pitch with the team...woohoo one very proud "shedding a few tears" Grandma moment coming up.
See you all tomorrow
Hugs Kath xxx


  1. A divine colour palette Kath and such a fabulous design xx

  2. Not my fave colour wither but your card is a beaut. Enjoy your day

  3. What a lovely fresh design - love the shades of green you've chosen. Enjoy your proud Grandma moment. Hugs, Julie xxx

  4. Stunning Kath, those beautiful Spring colours and wonderful flowers are delightful on your gorgeous card. Love the key too.... have been spending there this week, they have such lovely things to tempt us with! Hugs, Anne xx

  5. Sorry... also meant to say, I hope Brodie (and you) enjoys his special day! A x

  6. Beautiful card Kath. Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone. Brodie will be so proud this afternoon. Hope the Reds can do it. Enjoy. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  7. Hi Kath I'm not a green person, but your card is Gorgeous. Hope your having a good weekend. Hugs x ChrisB

  8. This is very pretty Kath. I love the freshness of green, it reminds me of Spring and it's supposed to be a relaxing colour too. I love the addition of white flowers and the key.
    I'm not into footie either, but it's a given, that of course Gran will watch her wee grandson running onto the pitch with his team, with pride!
    Have a great time, hugs Alexandra x

  9. hi kath. hope you manage to see brodie. how exciting for him. love your green card. green ti me is very beautiful! big hugs rachel xx

  10. Gorgeous card Kath...Love the design...enjoy your proud moment & the match... Hugs May x x

  11. The tv was tuned into the match, all ready for the game to start, and I left the room briefly and missed the mascots - sorry!! Then we had a power cut just before full time (before extra time) - exciting or what!! Love the green card very topical since is Sty Paddy's day tomorrow. Valxxx

  12. A lovely card-you should use green more often!
    Hope Brodie had a wonderful time this afternoon. My little Brody, my grandson, is on his way here tonight. Am so looking forward to spending a few days with him.
    Take care, Jan x

  13. Hi. Kath hope you had a wonderful day and Brodie enjoyed his moment. Love the card and the key looks great. Can I ask what did you use as the white covering x

  14. Well it doesn't feel as though it's out of your comfort zone - my immediate response was a deep breath of delight - so fresh, and pretty and calming too. Gorgeous!
    Alison x

  15. Hi Kath lovely card and the colours are gorgeous, great for this time of year. What a great result for all the Dons fans, I'm over the moon for all the wee boys and not so wee boys who have supported them for years. I didn't see the kids at the start, but will be looking at the taped game to see the big smile on Brodie's face. Our boys aren't home yet but I can imagine the excitement on the way back from Glasgow.Trish
