Monday, August 31, 2015

A Sad day in the cubbyhole...

Hi folks...I've worked in the craft industry for many years and it's not always easy to keep all the plates spinning...juggling work/magazine deadlines and Design Team commitments with the day to day personal life stuff and I've been thinking for sometime that changes are long overdue. So now that my year on the Inspiration Emporium DT has come to an end...I've decided not to stay on for another term and have also decided to step down from The Ribbon Girl and Craftstash teams...I'm taking some time out to try to restore a more manageable work life balance.
It hasn't been an easy decision but sometimes you have to listen to your head instead of your heart... I'm feeling incredibly sad as I put pen to paper because it's been great fun and I've made wonderful friendships along the way...a huge thank you to the lovely Mary and Andrea at The Ribbon Girl and all my team mates (I've been with these very special girls since they opened their online store in 2010 so this was the hardest decision of all) and everyone at Craftstash for giving me the opportunity to work with their fabulous products and to Joy and her family at Inspiration Emporium for their kindness and generosity and my wonderful talented IE team mates for their friendship and support...I will miss you all lots.
But you should know by now...I don't do things by halves...changes are a-foot in the blog department too...having blogged daily since February 2008...the everyday diary format will be no more...we're going from Page-A-Day to something more in tune with Week-To-View or something in you all a break from the becoming more common fill-in waffling posts. I do sometimes wonder how relevant blogging is now compared to Facebook Twitter and Pinterest but for're stuck with me and The Furry Boy...just not so often.
And when you're feeling down in the dumps there's no better therapy than a little bit of crafting so I'm off to the cubbyhole for some "just for me" playtime...see you later in the week.
Hugs Kath xxx

Just a bit of chit chat...

Hi folks...can you honestly believe it's the last day of August...this year sure is running away from us and before you know...OK perhaps August Bank Holiday Monday is too early to mention the "C" word. I'm feeling much better...the old legs are back to normal and I'm looking forward to getting back to our daily "doggy stroll" routine. The Furry Boy is looking rather dapper after his usual Sunday pamper session starting off with the major job of defluffing his coat and he's not the only one who needs a defluff after this particular operation...
followed by the monthly pedicure and trimming those hairy toes...after 9 years of chasing him around the floor on my hands and knees...on this occasion he lay perfectly still while I got to work with my super duper sharp Fiskars scissors (shhh...I won't tell if you don't) he's finally got the message that his creaky Mum is too old for all that skidding across the floor nonsense...
and wow I can't believe how well my new pal coped with the hairy debris. Seriously I think this lightweight little guy is more powerful than his Big Brother and whizzes around the house sucking up everything in his path in 10 minutes...well within the 20 minute battery more bending down to flick the switch to move from carpet to hard floor and no more stair nightmares. I've fallen in love with this particular household chore all over again...he's an absolute JOY to use and I could kick myself for not getting him sooner.
finally...we have our first edible home-grown tomato...not the perfect round bright red "all look the same" specimen on the right that you get from the supermarket but I bet a dime to a dollar it tastes ten times better...
Enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday and I'll see you all tomorrow
Hugs Kath xxx

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Down but not out YET...

Hi everyone...thank you so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes after my "doing the splits" adventure...luckily it happened quite close to home but what the neighbours made of the little old "pregnant duck" waddling up the street at a snail's pace struggling to put one leg past the other is anybody's guess. We DO take our legs for granted...we just assume they're ready to take us where we want to go but when they're tested beyond their physical limits...a simple A to B trip to the kitchen to put the kettle on becomes a painful marathon and getting upstairs became the ascent of Everest...up on my hands and knees and down again on my's been an "eye watering and teeth gritting" few days I don't want to repeat.
But with another day of chilling on the sofa with the Furry Nurse in attendance and some crafty reading...
warm baths...plumping pillow attention and lots of tea and sympathy on the cards...I'm confident this old warrior will live to tell the tale...DOWN but not OUT yet.
It seems to me in this day and age of crazy Health & Safety and any excuse for silly litigation...I could well be looking at a huge compensation cheque...after all...WHO was responsible for leaving that rain tap on and WHO didn't make sure that the wet slippery grass was dried out properly. It's definitely a sign that I'm on the mend when the silly sense of humour returns...fingers crossed the old legs can catch up because I'm itching to get back to the cubbyhole for some SPOOKY PLAYTIME...
Have fun whatever you're doing today and I'll see you all tomorrow
Big Hugs Kath xxx

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Tea and Sympathy...

Hi everyone...I bet you didn't expect to see your bundle of golden deliciousness back so soon...
I'm holding the fort...stepping up to the plate and taking over the blog posting responsibilities for the time being...all because my old Mum has been in the wars...our two-legged member of the cubbyhole crew slipped on the wet grass yesterday...almost did the splits...pulled a muscle and is currently walking like a grumpy pregnant duck...bang goes my hour long dashing around the forest trips for the time's going to be a "confined to barracks-tea and sympathy" kind of a weekend.
But there's been a happy mail delivery to cheer the patient up...
the Craft Asylum "All The Pretty Things" stamp set 

arrived from Hannah Anna Craft...a thank you for purchasing the Precision Base Plate from their Amazon thoughtful was that and straight from the horses's mouth...impressive customer service...speedy delivery and very competitive prices...
and an extra big thank you to the lovely Abigail from ICHF
who has given me some tickets to give away for 
at The NEC Birmingham in November

a chance for 5 lucky winners and a friend or hubby bag carrier to attend on any one of the if you are planning a visit to the show...keep your eyes peeled for a competition coming soon. In the meantime...I'd best get back to plumping up the pillows and keeping the patient company.
Hugs and Big Snuggles

Thursday, August 27, 2015's Friday

Hi everyone...a very good morning from your favourite bundle of golden deliciousness...
it's Friday...the end of another working week for the cubbyhole crew and we'll soon be kissing goodbye to the crazy busy "headless chicken" month of August. Woof...woof...the stuff for The Retreat is good to go...the Fiskars makes are done and dusted...there's a chance it may not rain today and we have a new addition to the band of Tidy Up helpers at this messy crafty establishment...
YES.. my DAD has admitted defeat and succumbed to the feminine wiles of YOU KNOW WHO and in less than 24 hours too...that must be a bit of a record but before she starts polishing her halo...I think it was more to do with the Argos TV advert and their "£80 off with a £10 gift card thrown in" special offer. It's a wise man who knows when he's beaten..welcome to the "HAPPY MUM = HAPPY LIFE" Club...DAD!!
But there may be trouble ahead today...Big Brother Dyson hasn't yet been introduced to the new kid on the block...will it be the DUEL OF THE DYSONS...fisticuffs at there enough room for me to hide behind the sofa.
Enjoy your weekend whatever you're planning
Big Hugs and Snuggles
Buddy & His Mum xxx

It's those Crazy Birds again...

Hi was my turn to share a "Wednesday Tutorial" over at Inspiration Journal this week using those "Crazy Birds" to create a box of "All Occasion Cards"...the perfect gift for a non crafting friend...
the Bird Crazy...Crazy Things and Crazy Thoughts Stamp sets along with the matching Thinlits dies have taken the crafting world by storm...

to check out the step-by-step tutorial...why don't you pop the kettle on and head over to Inspiration Journal.
Happy Bird Crazy Crafting.
Hugs Kath xxx

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Weally...what's up with the weather...

Hi it raining where you are...what on earth has happened to the weather...from SIZZLING SUMMER SUNDAY to MONSOON MONDAY and TORRENTIAL RAIN TUESDAY...
not only wet but windy and chilly to boot...feels like Autumn has arrived and after many doggy stroll soakings and changes of clothes...not forgetting the bundles of wet dog towels whirling around in the tumble dryer...the cubbyhole crew are feeling a bit downhearted. According to The Met office...October is going to be beautiful...seriously don't hold your breath folks...they struggle to predict tomorrow's weather accurately let alone months in advance. And we may well be in for more of the same today...another fun "batten down the hatches-hardly gets light-running out of dry clothes" weally weally WET WEDNESDAY.
I'm not the only one who's fed up with the weather...I have one Crazy Bird who desperately needs a pair of wellies before she can go splashing through the puddles...
and before you ask...the umbrella and cute little duck are from the Penny Black "Sunshine In The Rain" Slapstick stamp...
Thank you all so much for sharing your feedback on the Dyson Cordless...I'm bombarding hubby with all your comments...fingers crossed between us we'll beat him into submission.
Hugs Kath xxx

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Just to let you know...

Hi folks...a quickie post from me today...I am rather up to my eyes in the cubbyhole working/ it what you will...with new Fiskars products...
 but just wanted to let you know that all is well with Mr Dyson...
apparently he had a faulty Power Switch...absolutely nothing to do with his diet of chipboard and other cubbyhole unmentionables and he's now happily back to full fitness thanks to Dyson's fabulous customer service all free of charge under the 5 year guarantee.
But my eyes were out on stalks when I spotted the the Dyson V6 Animal Cordless Vacuum that THE DYSON DOC (or Field Engineer to give him his proper title) had with him to tidy up any debris he might leave on my kitchen floor...

I've been thinking about one of these lightweight boys for ages...great for the car...those hard to reach cobwebs and a godsend for the staircase so while he performed the necessary surgery I had a little jig around the house sucking up hairy deposits from YOU KNOW WHO and I'm tempted...very very tempted. The only fly in the ointment is hubby...he's not convinced but hey I've got years of experience in the sweet talking may just take a little bit of time for the persuasive magic to work.
See you later
Hugs Kath xxx

Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Monday...

Hi folks...I did indeed make it to the car boot yesterday...the weather was glorious and with lots of folks ready to splash their cash...the load was considerably lighter on the way home which makes me think a career as a professional car-booter could be quite lucrative. But in the meantime it's back to the day job and what better way to kick off Monday for this coffee addict than with a cuppa and a few extra shots of Ground Espresso...thanks again to David and Brenda at Craft Obsessions for the super duper speedy delivery of the newest member of  the Distress Family...
and before I don my Fiskars hat and apron...
I need to make a few tweaks to Wednesday's "Bird Crazy" tutorial for Inspiration Journal
Toodle-oo for now
Hugs Kath xxx

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Am I mad...

Hi I mad...have I totally lost the silly o'clock on a cloudy but dry at the moment Sunday morning I'm just getting ready to leave for the car boot...I'll be negotiating the winding country road section carefully...mindful of the insecure load behind me...until I'm safely on the dead straight and completely flat dual carriageway...being hit by flying debris this early in the morning is not a great start to anybody's day...
neither is unpacking this little lot...
nor the task of setting out all my wares for sale and fingers crossed the weather plays ball...let's hope that one man's rubbish is another man's treasure and that the car is considerably lighter on the way home. Enjoy your Sunday whatever you've got planned.
Hugs Kath xxx

Saturday, August 22, 2015

And breathe...

Hi folks...yeah it's Saturday and the weekend starts here. The cubbyhole crew can breathe again...we've finally nailed all the projects for The's a little sneaky peek collage and no surprise there's a definite Tim Holtz theme going on...
we're taking some time-out over the weekend before we hit the crafty list again...starting with the new products parcel that arrived from Fiskars...
but first I've got a bit of puzzler for you...Mr Dyson is back in the land of the living...what a surprise...perhaps he was suffering from over-work and just needed a few days rest but now I'm betwixt and between whether I should cancel the Dr Dyson appointment or go practice my "genuinely surprised" face. And is the weather going to behave if I decide to hit the car boot trail I load up the car and hope for the best or do my best "nodding sympathetically" impression and suffer another week of hubby's ranting and raving about the state of the is all about decisions...decisions...decisions.
Enjoy the weekend whatever you've got planned.
Hugs Kath xxx

Friday, August 21, 2015

We're chilling...

Morning's your gorgeous bundle of golden deliciousness signing in on this sunny Friday morning...
apparently you've missed me popping on for a chat and keeping you up-to-date with what's been happening in the cubbyhole...well let me tell you it's been manic...all hands and paws to the pump to get the projects for The Retreat finished but woof woof...all done and dusted just can't keep a good team down.
But now we're going to be having some chill out old Mum and I enjoy nothing better than our early morning stroll to my favourite place with no-one but the birds for company...why don't you join us...

Enjoy your weekend whatever you're planning to do
Big Hugs & Snuggles

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I've been thinking...

Hi folks...I've been thinking and you all know what a dangerous pastime that can be...whilst my hands were busy die-cutting...the old brain was working overtime and after posting yesterday's pic of the cubbyhole's a "not very subtle" reminder that I've never got round to painting the rest of my workspace units or fitting Ikea door inserts so that everything is hidden away out of sight...
Let's just say "Rome wasn't built in a day" big changes are planned for the cubbyhole but in the meantime I'm making a start with a bit of re-organisation on a smaller scale...
I managed to grab myself a bargain...a pile of Storage Envelopes in the Sizzix Mega Sale-1.60 Euros or£1.25 for a pack of two and even with the crazy "over the top" postage...they were too good to miss...plenty room for dies in the front...
 with stamps tucked in behind...
the perfect "sitting on the sofa" job just in case the weather outside turns frightful kind of a day.
Hugs Kath xxx

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Oops Spoke Too Soon...

Hi folks...oops I spoke too soon and definitely put the dampers on Summer...we're back to the gloomy rainy weather again but it's not all bad news...the last project for The Retreat is almost in the bag...
 just a little bit of titivating...a few stamped additions...
and a little bit of die-cutting...which should be a piece of cake with the new Precision Base Plate...
not originally supposed to be delivered until Thursday so it was a real sod's law moment when it arrived 30 minutes after I completed the Holiday Greens die-cutting session...but hey that's life or c'est la vie as they say in France...
and you won't believe how tidy I can keep my workspace when the alternative is a "down on your hands and knees" job picking up every little bit of debris while Mr D is incapacitated...
See you all tomorrow
Hugs Kath xxx

I'm heading for the naughty step AGAIN...

Hi folks...Summer has definitely returned to this North East corner of the UK and I've been making the most of it...out and about with my Furry Partner or sitting in the garden with lots of cuppas which means the cubbyhole kitting production line has all but grind to a halt.  But if I can manage to drag myself back indoors today...Project 5 will be ready to be packed up...
once the Glittered Festive Berries dry...
that's the good news...the bad news is I may as well just go and sit on the naughty step now. Time to confess my sins...hold my hands up and take the blame for Mr Dyson being poorly. Sorry Mr D...I didn't know that a diet of chipboard debris wasn't good for your health...don't know if he's going to make it to be honest...all depends what the Dyson Doctor has to say but the first available house call appointment is the 24th...seriously the remaining cubbyhole crew might be wiped out by then...drowned in a sea of debris.
And in for a for a pound...I may as well own up to another misdemeanour...naughty naughty dipping into the cubbyhole stash purse again...I know you'll's so hard to resist the crafty addiction we all suffer from...
not sure hubby will be so sympathetic...if Mr D needs replacing...he's not going to be best pleased at the "bread and water" diet for the rest of the month...fingers crossed Dr Dyson can work his magic and Naughty Step Misdemeanour No 2 will forever remain our little secret.
Hugs Kath xxx

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's that Crazy Bird again...

Hi's that day of the week when lots of us have to pull on our big girl knickers and face the old familiar "Monday Morning Feeling" so to cheer you up I'm sharing a Crazy Bird card and another DT project for Inspiration look at that adorable face and suddenly the world seems a brighter place...

It's back to the die-cutting production line for me today...a hot date with a bundle of extra thick chipboard but it won't get done if I hang around here much longer so toodle-oo for now and I'll see you all tomorrow to confess my sins and pray for sympathy and forgiveness.
Hugs Kath xxx

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