Thursday, August 14, 2008

Credit where credit's due

At last I have received a reply to the list of e-mails I fired off to Martha Stewart perhaps because in the last one I sent the link to the "Shame on you Martha Stewart" comment on my blog and this is their reply.....
Dear Kath,
Thank you for your email and for bringing this matter to my attention. First of all, I would like to apologize to you for the lack of response you received from our customer service department. I sincerely regret that you did not receive a response to your email dated 8/4, and I am personally looking into how this oversight could have happened.I wholeheartedly agree with your recommendation to credit your friend for the shipping charges on her order. I have also done the same for the shipping charges on your order, in an effort to make up for the delay in getting your item delivered.Clearly, between the delayed response to email and the fact that your order was sent to the wrong address, we have some issues that we need to address. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. If there is anything else I can do to help make your experience with Martha Stewart Crafts a more positive one, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Sam Robertson
Customer Service
Martha Stewart Crafts
Well thank you Martha Stewart for sitting up and taking note and credit where credit's due ...(excuse the little pun there) ...doesn't this just go to show that it pays to stick with it...I'm afraid I am like a dog with a bone when it comes to bad customer service......well all's well that ends to walk the pooch and have a play today with some fabby papers delivered yesterday.
Have a nice day wherever you are...and yes that definitely includes SAM from Martha Stewart....Kath xxxxxx


  1. Result!

    By the way, I saw the punch on a site I shop at called Impress on Sunday morning, made a note to go back later to buy it and Sunday night it had gone!! Must be the new 'in' thing LOL!

  2. oh you go girl!!! I'm going to write to Watchdog and tell them that they should have you on there!! Thank you for sorting this out Kath. I really do appreciate it. You're a star xxxxx

  3. Well done you for sticking with the cause, many people would just have let it go. Paid off in the long run & perhaps their service will improve now...

    Hope you're still enjoying playing with your punch though...

    Lorraine xxx

  4. Its so lovely to hear of a big company not only admitting they are wrong but doing something positive about it!! Well done you!

  5. That is sooooo awesome!! Good for you!!! My order arrived on Monday... didn't take them very long to get it to me at all!!

    I wouldn't ask for a refund due to my stupidity. :) I love the stamps anyways! But lack of mojo has prevented me from using them... :(

  6. Brilliant result Kath and quite a nice E-mail to boot.
    It certainly pays to hang in there.


  7. Well done, Kath, and it's gratifying to see a positive response from Martha Stewart.. albeit a little bit late in arriving. It was a very well worded email from Sam, don't you think? Nice to see a company actually admit to having issues to address. Most dodge any kind of admission along those lines.

    Very refreshing.

    I'll shutup now.

    Chris xx
