Hi Folks...
what am I doing today......well after having the builders yesterday and that was all tea and chat....you know builders....it's just the kettle constantly on the boil and cup after cup...them drinking tea and me providing the chat and anybody that knows me....can vouch for that...so today I am trying to catch up with some serious crafting...things to finish before I can start on my part of make-over....but before I go I have lots of thank you's to do......beginning to pile up a bit andthe old trophy cabinet is beginning to groan under the strain......
this one from my lovely bloggy buds....
Emma ... Pascale and Jackie...thanks so much for thinking of me....I really appreciate it.

This Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 5 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week...now you know me by now that I don't like to single folks out for these awards but in this case I am awarding this to all my mates at Funky Hand .....they are a very special bunch.....truly caring and always there with love and support for each other....albeit a little bit bonkers....(oops I shouldn't be saying that about the boss).....you are so special to me and I luvs you all.....we are going to be meeting up shortly and I can't wait...
and this one from 2 lovely bloggy buds
Sue and
ClareI know I have had this one before....but the last time I didn't play along...the rules are you have to pass it on to 5 others and list 5 things that you are addicted to....well here goes.....
I am sure you can guess the first one......crafting
You can probably guess this one too - craft shopping
Strong cheese....the kind that can walk across the floor by itself
Coffee....can't function in the morning until I've had 2 cups
And last but not least......has to be this blogging malarkey
I think that most folks will by now have received this award....so I am awarding it back to me....I had a real mojo slump after the Christmas festivities.....but I gave myself a bit of
ENCOURAGEMENT.....a good talking to and a kick up the rear and am now back in my cubby hole as happy as larry....doing what I love......
And this one from the lovely
thanks girls.....now when I meet up with my fellow Scot and DT team mate Dawn.....I hope to be getting a real bloggy hug. This one I am awarding to all my bloggy buds with love.
Be sure to come back tomorrow when I will be announcing
and it's a biggie folks
Well it's Burns Night tonight and Scots all over the world will be celebrating the Bard's birth 250 years ago......so I'm off noo to catch my haggis.....get him skinned and cooked....served up with Neeps and Tatties and washed down with a wee dram o' the old malt........Slainthe......
and I leave you with the "Selkirk Grace"
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit.
Back at noon with my Craft Pad challenge card and boy is that a saga.......Hugs Kath xxxxxxx
P.S. And this one from my faberoonie Fiskars mate